U7 (Frankfurt U-Bahn)

Frankfurt U-Bahn
Basic data
Opening 1986
Client body RMV
Operational data
Operator Stadtwerke Frankfurt
Vehicle type Ptb-Triebwagen, U2-Triebwagen, U3-Triebwagen
Route and performance data
Route length 11.8 km
Stations 21
Journey time 27 Minutes
Speed 26.2 km/h (avg.)
Station distance 562 m (avg.)
Frequency (RH/MD/N) 7/8 / 10 / 20 Minutes
Hours 04:15 am – 00:55 am

The U7 is a line on the Frankfurt U-Bahn. At the time of the line's inauguration in 1986, it ran from Enkheim to the Hauptwache and then continued along the Bockenheimer Landstrasse all the way up to Bockenheim and then continued to their terminus in Hausen.
